Comparing Home Prices in Jacksonville and Other Cities in Florida

  1. Jacksonville home prices
  2. Comparing home prices across cities
  3. Home prices in Jacksonville vs. other cities in Florida

When it comes to comparing home prices in Jacksonville and other cities in Florida, one thing is certain: there are some significant differences. Whether you're looking to buy a home or just curious about the housing market in the Sunshine State, understanding the differences between home prices in Jacksonville and other cities in Florida can help you make an informed decision. In this article, we'll take a look at the average home prices in Jacksonville and compare them to other cities in the state to help you get a better idea of what you can expect. To begin, let’s look at the average home price in Jacksonville. According to a recent study, the median home price in Jacksonville was $206,000.

This is slightly lower than the median home price for Florida as a whole, which is $220,000. This means that on average, homes in Jacksonville tend to be more affordable than those across the rest of the state. When it comes to luxury homes, prices in Jacksonville vary widely. The most expensive neighborhoods in Jacksonville can have median home prices upwards of $800,000.

However, there are also more affordable neighborhoods that offer homes for under $150,000. Now let’s compare these prices to those of other cities in Florida. For example, Miami is one of the most expensive cities in the state when it comes to real estate. The median home price in Miami is $385,000, which is nearly double the median home price of Jacksonville. Similarly, Naples is another city with high home prices.

The median home price there is $345,000.


and Orlando are two other cities with higher average home prices than Jacksonville. The median home price in Tampa is $260,000 while the median home price in Orlando is $285,000. On the other hand, there are some cities in Florida with lower home prices than Jacksonville. The median home price in St.

Augustine is $175,000 and the median home price in Gainesville is $180,000. These two cities offer some of the most affordable housing options in the state. To summarize, Jacksonville has an average home price of $206,000 which is slightly lower than the state average of $220,000. Luxury homes can range from under $150,000 all the way up to over $800,000 depending on the neighborhood. Compared to other cities in Florida such as Miami and Naples, which have significantly higher home prices, Jacksonville offers an affordable option for potential homeowners.

Cities like St. Augustine and Gainesville have even lower average home prices than Jacksonville.


In conclusion, Jacksonville is an attractive city for homeowners and buyers alike. Home prices in the city are generally competitive compared to other cities in Florida, with an average home price of around $250,000. This makes it a great option for those who are looking for a place to call home without breaking the bank.

However, prices do vary depending on the location and size of the home, so it's important to do research and compare prices in different areas before making a purchase decision. Overall, Jacksonville provides plenty of opportunities for homeowners and buyers alike. With competitive prices and plenty of options to choose from, it's no wonder why so many people are choosing to make Jacksonville their home.

Home Prices Across Other Cities in Florida

When comparing home prices in Jacksonville to other cities in Florida, it is important to understand the differences in cost of living and property values. For example, the median home price in Tampa is $239,000, while in Orlando it is $229,000. In Miami, the median home price is $358,000, which is significantly higher than other cities in the state.

Jacksonville, however, has a median home price of only $204,000, making it one of the more affordable cities in the state. In addition to Jacksonville, there are several cities in Florida that have lower median home prices than the state average. Pensacola has a median home price of $180,000 and Gainesville has a median home price of $187,000. Other cities with lower median home prices than Jacksonville include Ocala ($196,000), Tallahassee ($203,000), and Daytona Beach ($210,000).When looking at the average home prices across other cities in Florida, it is important to consider factors such as taxes, insurance costs, and local regulations. In addition, it is important to compare the type of homes available in each city.

For instance, Jacksonville may have higher median home prices than other cities but may also offer larger homes for a lower price than what can be found elsewhere in the state.

Luxury Home Prices in Jacksonville

When it comes to luxury homes, Jacksonville has a lot to offer. With its booming economy and endless supply of attractions, many high-end buyers are looking to invest in the area. As such, the average price of luxury homes in Jacksonville is higher than in other cities across Florida. The median price for a luxury home in Jacksonville is around $600,000, with some properties reaching into the millions.

This is significantly higher than the median price for a home in other cities across Florida, which sits closer to $250,000. High-end buyers in Jacksonville can expect to pay more for their new home than they would elsewhere in the state. However, the higher prices come with a number of benefits, including access to some of the best amenities in the area. Luxury homes in Jacksonville offer access to high-end restaurants, shopping, and entertainment venues that are not available in other parts of Florida.

In addition to the amenities, luxury homes in Jacksonville also come with some of the most desirable schools and neighborhoods. These homes are often located in gated communities and have access to private pools and other amenities that are not available in other parts of the state. If you’re looking for a luxury home in Jacksonville, you can expect to pay more than you would elsewhere in the state. However, these higher prices come with a number of benefits that make it worth the extra cost.

Average Home Prices in Jacksonville

Jacksonville is a bustling city in Florida, but what are the average home prices like compared to other cities in the state? The median home value in Jacksonville is currently $179,000, according to Zillow.

This is slightly lower than the median home value of all cities in Florida, which is $194,000. However, this figure is still higher than the nationwide median home value of $175,700. In terms of appreciation rates, Jacksonville homes have appreciated 8.2% over the past year, according to Zillow. This is slightly lower than the appreciation rate for all cities in Florida, which is 9.1%.

However, this figure is still higher than the nationwide appreciation rate of 6.8%.When it comes to rental rates, the median rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Jacksonville is currently $1,250. This is slightly higher than the median rent for all cities in Florida, which is $1,200. However, this figure is still lower than the nationwide median rent of $1,479. Overall, Jacksonville has relatively lower home prices compared to other cities in Florida, though they still remain higher than the national average. Additionally, home values and rental rates in Jacksonville have both appreciated at a rate slightly lower than the statewide average. In conclusion, Jacksonville's average home price of $206,000 is lower than the state average of $220,000.

Luxury homes range from under $150,000 to over $800,000 depending on the neighborhood. When compared to cities like Miami and Naples, which have much higher home prices, Jacksonville provides a more affordable option for potential homeowners. Other cities in Florida like St. Augustine and Gainesville also have lower average home prices than Jacksonville.

Ramona Swezey
Ramona Swezey

Total organizer. Wannabe zombie lover. Subtly charming pop culture fan. Avid tv ninja. Professional social media aficionado.